Iva Matasić
Panelist on the topic: Doing business across cultures
Open Education Resource/OER in region
Consulio Inc. was made short study about "Situation of the Open Education Resource (OER) in Croatia and nearby countries". The geographic scope of the project was Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia (its full territory) and Montenegro; Slovenia and Macedonia. The research showed information about OER initiatives and other interesting developments such as policies (on OER, Open Access, creative commons, ICT in education), national committees and workshops.
Iva Matasić
Iva Matasic is founder and Chief Executive Officer at Consulio, Inc., Zagreb and Palo Alto, California. Iva is a innovative and service-oriented e-learning professional with extensive e-learning and m-learning development expertise and a proven track record designing and delivering e-learning / m-learning projects. She implements e-learning and connects e-learning implementation and project management. Iva is a graduate of the Founder Institute and author and co-author of publications presented at numerous conferences. Her expertise includes entrepreneurship, e-learning consulting and training, future learning, R&D, motivational speaking, and lobbying.